Sunday 27 April 2008

Strawberry Fields Forever

Katherine, a graphic design student at RISD invited me to go to the Duchamp, Man Ray and Picabia exhibition that was taking place at Tate Modern in London. I of course obliged, considering that I missed my chance to go for free; but that is another story of its own. On the way, we walked across the Millennium Bridge, and it was a beautiful, sunny day. This was a welcome change from the rainy, windy, cloudy, cold weather we have had for the last few weeks. Just walking outside in London made me feel alive and content. The exhibition was interesting, and I saw some fairly famous pieces by Duchamp like Fountain, The Large Glass, and the bicycle wheel on a stool, which I cannot remember the name of. Many of the works were replicas, though, which was a little disappointing.

Afterwards, we met up with Joel and Michael and took the train to Greenwich. We first stopped at a little antique and vintage market, which I wanted to stay at for much longer but the others seemed to be done. I really want to go back because I was enthralled with the hats, lacy gloves, and pumps. There was even a little instrument booth where I got to try out a ukulele.

We left and went to the Prime Meridian of the World, which is 0° longitude. The National Maritime museum was also up there, along with the Royal Observatory. I stood over the official line, which means I was standing in the Western and Eastern Hemispheres at the same time! It was an exciting experience, considering I just finished a physical geography course in the winter. I spoke with a few people from here, though, and nobody seems to know about it! I was really surprised.

When I got home I had dinner with Debs, her friend and Immie and then I went to a pub called The Ram with Immie, her boyfriend and a few of her friends. I have been feeling kind of down lately, but I think the change in weather (because it is finally warm and sunny here) and the activities lifted my spirits.

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